Service partner of the
Nuremberg Toy Fair

We are service partner of the Nuremberg Toy Fair each year. We are at the command of the exhibitors of the Nuremberg Toy Fair as a service partner on the spot. Having been authorised by the toy manufacturer concerned we, based on the individual case, take action without delay to have the fake product removed from the fair – if possible still on the same day.

Your specialist lawyers for economic law
in the heart of the European Metropolitan Region of Nuremberg

40 years for enterprises + individuals

For 40 years our law firm has been re­pre­sen­ting and as­sis­ting main­ly com­pa­nies and bu­siness­men from the small to me­dium-­si­zed bu­si­ness e­co­no­my, banks as well as en­tre­pre­neu­ri­al fa­mi­lies and in­di­vi­duals. You, our clients, play the ma­jor ro­le in our coun­sel­ling and re­pre­sen­ta­tion.

Service Partner of Insights-X

We give our support in order to institute legal steps against product piracy the soonest possible on location. Unfairly copied products that are exhibited on the fair may cause an enormous economic loss. Overall, before the start of the fair you can find the up-to-date forms for having V.A.T. refunded on our services sites.